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The Art of Patience

November 8, 2007

Only in the southern hemisphere does  “ Happy thanksgiving.” Include  the lilacs in bloom and it tee shirt weather. Yet yes somewhere far away many turkeys have breathed their last and are sitting in the table as someone’s center piece.

It has been at interesting and very busy time. What a challenge to garden where the frosts last well… almost until summer and the wind comes in strong force! The sun here is also intense. Shimmery radiating and bright. I feel very fried at times and need to learn to honor the siesta hours which exist for a reason.

I am learning to have patience and give up being attached to results because sometimes nature wins. Despite this we have but a lot of food in the ground and are hopeful for its success. With a little permaculture technique we are creating microclimates and making things happen. One needs to change the whole idea of order and thinking in rows and tailor your efforts to the space on hand. It takes some focus to be there every single day watering the plants, feeding the animals etc…. I like trying things I have learned in my farming practice and realize that I do actually have many skills when it come to this kind of work.

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